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US Orange Blossom Honey

Orange blossom honey contributes fruity and floral aromatics (citrus, berry, white grape) of moderate to strong intensity. Pure varietal, sourced from the United States.


Usage guidelines: Dilute with hot water or wort to help pouring and dispersion. Mechanical agitation or recirculation can help. 

Hot side additions have been noted to result in a slight decrease in perceived bitterness; cold side additions will typically maximize honey character and may lead to a slight increase in ester-derived flavors.

For hot side additions, add honey to the whirlpool when temperature is below boiling. 

For cold side additions, add honey after yeast has been cropped and/or post-dry hopping.  

Usage rate:Dependent on style. Fermentations with high usage rates of honey (>20% total extract) will benefit from supplementary nutrient additions – we recommend Superfood®.

Storage: Steady room temperature in an airtight container for up to 2 years. 

Crystallization: Crystallization is a natural and spontaneous phenomenon where glucose separates from water and comes out of solution. This does not affect honey quality. Honey resists crystallization best at temperatures above 77°F/25°C. Crystallized honey can be heated in a water bath to return it to its liquid state.